Be prepared for the Microsoft Azure Exam DP-203: Data Engineering on Microsoft Azure
The ONLY mock test you’ll need to study for, pass, and earn MS Azure DP-203
DP 203 Certification is a certification that certifies one’s expertise in designing and implementing big data analytics solutions using Azure Data Services.
What makes this course worth your time ?
6 Practice Tests
500+ questions in total
Topics explanation follows quizzes and practice exams so you can test your understanding immediately.
Is it possible to take the practice test more than once? Certainly, you are allowed to attempt each practice test multiple times. Upon completion, your final outcome will be displayed, and with every attempt, the sequence of questions and answers will be randomized.
What score is required? The target achievement threshold for each practice test is to achieve at least 75% correct answers.
Do the questions have explanations? Yes, all questions come with explanations for each answer.
Are the questions updated regularly? Indeed, the questions are routinely updated to ensure the best learning experience.
Additional Note: It is strongly recommended that you take these exams multiple times until you consistently score 90% or higher on each test. Take the challenge without hesitation and start your journey today. Good luck!
Exam Topics
1) Design and implement data storage (15–20%)
Implement a partitioning strategy
Design and implement the data exploration layer
2) Develop data processing (40–45%)
Ingest and transform data
Develop a batch-processing solution
Develop a stream-processing solution
Manage batches and pipelines
3) Secure, monitor, and optimize data storage and data processing (30–35%)
Implement data security
Monitor data storage and data processing
Optimize and troubleshoot data storage and data processing
Refund Guarantee
This course comes with a full 30 day money-back guarantee.
You either end up with getting those high paying jobs and make an awesome career for yourself, or you try the course and simply get all your money back if you don’t like it…
You literally can’t lose.
Course Details
- Language: #English
- Students: 148
- Rating: 0 / 5.0
- Reviews: 0
- Category: #IT_and_Software
- Published: 2024-01-20 08:06:35 UTC
- Price: €94.99
- Instructor: | | Giang Lee | |
- Content: 546 questions
- Articles: 0
- Downloadable Resources: 0
Coupon Details
- Expire Time: 2024-01-29 01:16:00 UTC